Art for Kids (under 9 years)
Offer500.00 AED
Explore Now600.00 AED
10 seats left
The Functional Fitness Kids program provides individuals between the ages of four and twelve with a portion of their prescribed physical activity in a fun and engaging format.
The goals of the Functional Fitness Kids program however, are more far reaching in the short as well as the long term . For example, one intent is to have the children learn the points-of-performance of foundational movements that have universal application; developing motor recruitment pathways, ensuring safe and efficient movement now as well as into the future.
Along the way, what they do and how they feel because of it will provide them a definition of what fitness is and means to them. In addition, layering information about food into the program leads to an understanding of and a mechanism to adhere to a healthier lifestyle.
Functional Fitness Kids classes also provide an opportunity to hone life skills. Skills such as perseverance and working hard as well as acknowledging personal responsibility, accepting feedback, working with others, following rules, and exhibiting etiquette.
=============================================================== You may also subscribe to this activity for AED 500 as part of our Family Saver Promotions ===============================================================